g, Pastor Peery, Church, & School Calendar
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Full of Happiness
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I'm Going To Heaven....
Do you want to go? I know I do. Here is a wonderful song. I thought I would share.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Thinking of Some Teens Out There
For years, I have felt a calling to work with the youth, young adult. I, myself, have stood in my own way. This video not only brought joy to me, but reminded me of this call. I will have to start praying about some things for myself that I have put off. Some missions work that has been on my heart and soul for a while. Join me in praying for direction in how I can full fill this call.
I have a teen that is in that era of his life of taking the risk of doing things he knows he shouldn't. As a mother, all I can do is pray for him and trust God to guide him. What I like about KJ - 52 and a whole lot of other Christian artist, it that the music won't put you to sleep and it will interact with the young mind in ways that a praise and worship song may hit the surface of their ears, but the words not register in their minds. As with music and sites that are geared to grab and hold their attention.
Anyway, cool video.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Right in our own community, our neighborhoods....
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Update on Me and Mine
Last night, Matt did the dishes in the sink. I was laying down, he wanted to play his WII for a while. I told him could. I got up to check on him and he had semi-washed the dishes in the sink and put them in the dishwasher and started it. Amazing how God shows us His love through others. He went to bed by 9 pm.
Today, we woke up at 6 am, I was alert and ready. That shot from yesterday was a huge relief. Anyway, Got my meds today, taking them like a good little girl.
Tomorrow, I must go to work in spite the doctor's order. I have no paid time remaining until I rebuild it. I can't afford another 10 shift unpaid. This past paycheck had 15 hrs unpaid. OUCH. God is and will get me through this, but geee whiz. No one really to turn to for help besides God Almighty.
Other then this, ALL IS going OKAY.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Survey Results
You are true to yourself and everyone around you. Any obstacle that stands in your way is bound to be crushed with the help of your friends. Since you are so open and real with people, they feel passionate for the person you really are and respect the way you handle yourself. With honesty and friends by your side, you will never lose your way.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Enjoying Life
Saturday, September 19, 2009
You know, life can be very lonely.
I had to share this. This was actually given back in 2001, right after the 9-11 incident. The attack on America. It was the first Sunday after, but why I wanted to share this is because the war. Where is the war really? Isn't the war here on our own soil? The war allowing us to express our faith.
We all have rights, those that don't believe and those that do. It seems those that don't want to hear it are acting and preventing us who believe from speaking out. Well at least they are trying.
What about the comercials that promote sensuallity, drinking, etc. Why should we be exposed to those things when we don't want to see them or hear fawl language. Especially during sports events. Why is it that we are not standing up in congress gaining our rights back to pray in school or public meetings? After all this country's founding fathers were strong believers and founded our country on biblical principals.
Monday, September 7, 2009
The After Math
Like "D" says, it will be time for fall football at his house. hahaha. Hilary, his girlfriend, said, "We normally just have chips, dip, finger food, but occasionally will cook out." I responded, "I am all for it."
Today marks my last day with my oldest for this weekend visit. I have to take him back early due to varsity football practice and a jr. varsity football game. I feel awful I might not be able to stay and watch due to the windows in my car. Not safe leaving it in a parking lot full of people coming and going.
Today I will call my insurance to see how fast I can get a rental and get my car in the shop. Why my car was broken into, I haven't got a clue, but this happened in order that I may grow and prosper in my walk with the Lord. The enemy wants to defeat me, but Jesus is stronger. I may sin from time to time, but thankfully God is merciful to forgive. I am not sure why this happened. The investigator will let me know soon if it was random act or intentional. If you don't know, listen to my voice blog just before this post.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Labor Day Weekend
I will be watching the game, OU vs OSU, at work today while I am working. We are having an office tail gate party. hahaha!!!! The drinks will be sodas. After I hang out with new friends and my boys. Maybe this new person in my life and I will get together sometime this weekend. Who knows.
Anyway, Monday my oldest has a JV game. Matt and I will watch as he plays.
Happy Labor Day Everybody!!!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Emotional Infidelity
Have you ever thought whether or not you are committing infidelity even if there is no physical contact? Listen to this voice blog. It is rather long, but you may enjoy it or you may become angry or you may just not have an opinion. Feel free to comment here or comment on snapvine.
I would love to hear from you whether you are on my list of friends/contacts or not.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
"I" Have Something to Celebrate
Funny how things work out sometimes. I thought I would be successful at a young age, then give it up to be a wife and mother. I was forced back into a single life when my ex-husband left finally with the last person he had an affair with. Who knows, maybe it wasn’t his last, but for me it was. Anyway, I have desired the looking nice in sun dresses, preparing luxurious meals, parties to promote my husband in his endeavors, but instead the opposite has occurred. I find myself needing and wanting a career for myself. I have been told for many years that I have a nak for this, the talent for that, etc. I so want to finish school and do something great, but to be honest I don’t have the ability to at this time with how my ex had left me, and I am still picking up the pieces. Luckily there are only a few more pieces to pick up. Thankfully, God has put me back in a technical field. I hope to grow within my current company and still volunteer in my community.
I have actually applied to volunteer for three new organizations here in OKC and one old organization from back home. The one back home is more phone or online support, technical aspects they are needing. I have not heard back from 3 out of 4. The one I have heard from, I suggested an idea. The new leaders seemed to like the idea and are in the process of checking to see if it meets the group’s and company’s approval.
Anyway, I am coming into my own I guess you could say. I am finding out what “G….” is all about. Learning to be independent, bold, and courageous.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Weekend Update
Matt ran into a classmate from school and lives a building down from us. I met his mom and her and I may become good friends. She is a single mom too.
Drake's mother, Ashley did not swim, she was sitting in the shade when we arrived. I sat in the shade at first and to my surprise, discovered we had a common interest, the school our children attended and how they were classmates. It was obvious when the boys knew each other's names there was familiarity, so naturally we introduced ourselves.
There were others from the complex and Rod was trying to get enough interested to play a few games of volleyball. Rod is a neighbor who happens to have a twin brother, Rez. I met Rod a couple of weekends ago and he remembered me. I ran home to change to play considering Matt was in the water already playing with his new best friend, Drake.
It was a good Sunday afternoon.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Being Too Honest
To my surprise there is a guy at work that has made it known of his attraction and interest towards me. The catch is keeping it at a down low due to work. I was flattered, but I am not getting my hopes up, yet at the same time I am not pushing him away. I am just playing it cool. As cool as I can.
I didn't realize there are so many do's and don't to dating. I never dated in junior or high school. Listening to my oldest talk about his friends and his own experiences, the do's and don't come and go. They learn by making them and moving on and then that very same person comes back after they moved on. Interesting. hahaha. It appears with adults, the game is different. Everything I read suggest there is no time to make mistakes and no come backs because adults don't forgive as easily or due to the fact the clock is ticking. Talk about stress. WHO really has it.... the teens or the adults. hhhhmmmm. Hard to say. I can diffinately tell you it is hard. I made a lot of don'ts with the man who has my heart right now and that is the dodgeball goof. I am still praying that he is removed off my heart if God wills it, but if I can be perhaps a bit too honest right now, he is still on my heart always. I don't know what God has in store for me. I thought I knew once, but I am totally not going to worry about it.
Matt attended his second day of school today. His father called this morning to wish him a good day. I am so thankful that my ex and I are communicating a lot better and smoother in regards to our youngest. It feels great to have peace. As far as our oldest, not the same. There is so much tension built up. They (Chris, my oldest, and my ex) are always findings ways to either keep him away from me or to give me a difficult time when with me. I won't go into how it is difficult, I wouldn't want you to become upset.
Anyway, I am learning to let things slid more and to be swept under the rug. Basically less things are bothering me. I am letting go of my oldest, not because I love him any less or care any less, but he is coming of age where his life is his and he has to decide wether to visit me is important to him or not. I pray one day he will realize I am his mother, not my ex's new wife. I pray he will realize he needs me in his life and will come around more, especially as he gets older. Yes, there was major pain in coming to realize this, but the pain is weaking and almost non-existant.
Life goes on!!! Whether we want it to or not. All we can do is keep moving forward. Focusing on the positive and most of all focusing on God and our relationship with him through the son, Jesus Christ.
Summer Is Over :-( hahaha
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
WOW!!! Half The Year Has Just Flown By!
A few of you on my list, know me real well, some more then others, and some are too new. Here is just a little tid bit I thought I would share.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Accidental Angel
I heard this song after watching a unique an interesting moving today. Not what I expected. Not a romantic movie, not a lot of action, not a lot of sorrow, with a hint of comedy, but mostly it was realistic. The movie title, Saving Grace. The song that will lift your spirit both with words and melody.....Accidental Angel....listen...
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Mass Migration of Stingrays
Now this was info shared with me via an email. Rather then forwarding, I thought best to share it here. This makes me think of Spring Time. Just yesterday, Feb. 2, 2009, I heard the first sounds of baby birds cherping. Today, there were more singing this morning. The sound was so uplifting and peaceful to hear.
Later in my inbox I see the message below. WOW! GOD is AWESOME!!
HE is El Shaddai! ( HE is more then enough!) When you look around you, where ever you are, you just can't help but see the face of GOD in all of HIS creation.
Looking like giant leaves floating in the sea, thousands of Golden
Gliding silently beneath the waves, they turned vast areas of blue water to gold off the northern tip of the
She said: 'It was an unreal image, very difficult to describe. The surface of the water was covered by warm and different shades of gold and looked like a bed of autumn leaves gently moved by the wind.
'It's hard to say exactly how many there were, but in the range of a few thousand'
'We were surrounded by them without seeing the edge of the school and we could see many under the water surface too. I feel very fortunate I was there in the right place at the right time to experience nature at its best'
Measuring up to 7ft (2.1 meters) from wing-tip to wing-tip, Golden rays are also more prosaically known as cow nose rays.
They have long, pointed pectoral fins that separate into two lobes in front of their high-domed heads and give them a cow-like appearance. Despite having poisonous stingers, they are known to be shy and non-threatening when in large schools.
The population in the Gulf of Mexico migrates, in schools of as many as 10,000, clockwise from western