g, Pastor Peery, Church, & School Calendar

g in blue, Pastor in Red/Pink, Church in Green, and School in brown.

Friday, September 2, 2016

A little about me.

This year started out wonderful. With the winter season, I felt as fit as any healthy human being. I didn’t have to use a nebulizer machine at all. The machine is something I have to use to take breathing treatments, which are medicines that my doctor wants me to inhale with air. The air causes painful gases sometimes. I was glad I didn’t need to use the machine during this time.

Then spring set in. Oh my gosh! With out warning, my body took a dive. I was struggling to interact with others verbally and physically. During our VBS week, I was limited in my abilities. I was able to run the sound system, video, and mics. I couldn’t sing and dance, so the organizers gave me a few helpers. I was very appreciative of their help. For those of you who are wondering what VBS stands for, it is an acronym for Vacation Bible School.

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, June 14, my body went down. No movement! I didn’t have the strength to hold my body up. Oh that wasn’t the end, my vocal cords weren’t producing a sound, not even a whisper. I didn’t have enough oxygen in my body. I was put on oxygen. In time, I was able to come off of it, but today, Sept 2, I find myself back on it. Basically caught a cold and my body was struggling. The oxygen helps the muscles to get the oxygen it needs and my lungs can relax. I have been on antibiotics now for 5 days. I think it worked. I hope I am at the end of this cold. I wish I could say my severe lung disease was over, but they say this condition will remain the rest of my life. YUCK! NOT Happy about that. BUT What CAN I DO about it except keep praying asking God to heal me.

I feel like Paul, when God tells him, in his weakness, I am strong. I feel like God tells me that His strength is sufficient and through my weakness, He will prevail. I can only hope my life brings the Lord the glory He deserves. I don’t like, not being allowed to work in my field of study. A few weeks ago, I had a follow up with one of my three specialist, the lungs, and She said to hold off on returning just yet. To wait until the Xolair gets into my system, to see if that will help improve my body. Well one month later and 3 shots of Xolair, I have not seen or felt much improvement. It could be this summer and rain weather. All I know, I now have been sent by three doctors to physical therapy rehab at the hospital. I will be evaluated to determine course of action to regain strength in my body. Which I think is ironic. Why ironic? Because when I was 13 ish, I began working out with aerobics and my first weight system was a DP, red seats and silver metal bars. I haven’t seen one of those since my early teens. I have new equipment sitting around, because as my body got weak, I couldn’t use them. Now, I am being sent to a rehab facility to use their equipment and have guidance. To teach me how not to over do it. Because if I work out and over do it, I beat the purpose of stabilizing my lung disease.

Anyway, I have found NEW interests. Sewing, painting, drawing, crafting, wood working, screen painting , airbrushing, quilting, designing, re-upholstery, and an old, old favorite, audio/video production. I guess you could say, I am re-finding myself. I will take you guys with me on my journey.

If you would follow me, I’d appreciate it. Please comment. I will do my best to reply promptly.

For now, I will finish here. I look forward to your encouraging words.


Update on 'gs Page' Channel

I recently DELETED my old videos.  I have a few cell phone clips I uploaded to my channel to basically inform the people of what the hold up is in getting new videos uploaded. 

Yesterday, I was live, but connection was bogged down and video froze, so I removed it.  I am looking forward to making new videos.  My old videos were family videos of my kids.  I took highlights of their game and made a small video, or a Christmas program they performed in. Before 2010, I also had a few documentary videos I made for my work or my community.  Not sure if I will upload those. 

This year, I have videos on my channel as a way of showing my aunt the colors of the fabrics I was using in a quilt I was making.  The sessions were long and dull.  I decided to remove once I knew my family members interested had a chance to view.  

I am planning to remove the dullness, I hope,  However, there will be a few videos that will be long, basically a time where my online buddies can link to me and see what I am working on at the same time chat with me via sms chat window.  I wish I could afford the Adobe connect where we can connect share video and audio, not just sms texts.  I know google hangouts is a good way of doing this, but they made changes I think.  I noticed a new service for the whiteboard is separate now from hangouts tools and you have to pay for it.  BUMMER!  I am on a limited income, can't afford that.  Unless, I had several people actively communicating with me.  I would be inspired to cough up the money.  I like the plug-ins it had to offer as well.  Like a person can call via any phone or cell line into a chat and participate verbally.  That is cool.

Anyway, I know I don't want the hangouts business, because this is mainly a social ministry site.  In-spite what some might say, ministry is not a profitable business.  Google Hangouts Business is a bit steep for us.

Anyway, please look at the calendar above for when I will be live.  I will post days and times. Than the link below will take you to the live session.  

This is a link to me when live.

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